Thursday, November 13, 2014

Treasures (nablopomo)

Simple treasures.

I found this ceramic hippo at an outdoor, dirt floor flea market.
It was a 70's brown. Solid brown. It looked so gross, and dusty. I made the mistake of squealing when I saw it. The squeal of "I know the potential of this! I can make this so cool!"  They wanted $20 for some old brown ceramic hippo cookie jar.
I had no poker face. No haggling. They saw it in my eyes. I was going to pay.
I was going to pay, because I already saw she was going to have red lipstick and blue eyeshadow.
Those flowers were already on her. Brown, textured flowers.
I had already envisioned her kitchen yellow and red nails.
Her cookies in her mouth were going to be creme filled.
Oh I paid that $20. Maybe it was my boyfriend, now husband who paid. Paid with a grimace that meant, you didn't even haggle! You have to haggle at these kinds of places!
So she's one of my first re-conditioned treasures. 
She stands in the middle of our cookbooks, with a sly smile, and a mouth filled with cookies.